Swift Auto Lockout Solutions

Locked Out LLC

Ignition Lockouts

If you can't turn over your ignition, you're not going to go anywhere fast! A professional car locksmith in Abilene, TX, can help with ignition lockouts, allowing you to start your car and drive away smoothly.

Door Locks

Automatic locks are a convenient feature, but they're not very convenient when your keys are still inside your car! Call us to come and unlock your doors if you've left your keys in the ignition or on the seat.


Can't open your trunk? A stuck truck is a job for an auto locksmith. We'll get your trunk open quickly so you can retrieve whatever's inside. Jammed locks are no match for us.

Smart Keys

Newer vehicles have smart keys that activate locks via a chip. If you're locked out and have one of these keys, we're able to replicate the signal to unlock your doors. We can also work with fobs—we handle key fob programming, too!

Key Replacement

If you've lost your keys, we can help! We offer key replacement services for most major car brands, including smart keys. We're able to work fast, so your car won't sit idle for long.



Locked Out offers top-notch locksmith services in multiple Texas locations. Our skilled locksmiths always deliver exceptional solutions, providing prompt and reliable assistance wherever you are in Texas.